Equipment: DC powe supply, circuit board (fuse, switch, bulb), multimeter, wires.

Exercise 1:
    Measured the Available Voltage in the circuit at different points.
    From the data that I measured, I can found that the available voltage has dropped at each terminal that we measured, and it keep dropping after each components in the circuit.

    Measured the Voltage Drop across the circuit parts.
    From the data that I measured, I can found the total voltage drop across the different components of this circuit is the same as the supply voltage, and the bulb in this circuit has the largest voltage drop because it is the consumer in this circuit, using most of the power.

    Measured the Amps flowing through the circuit.

    Once I got the voltage across the bulb and the amps in this circuit, I can calculate the resistance of the light bulb by using Ohms law R = V / I, and the watts used at the light bulb by using Power law W = V x I.

Exercise 2 (Larger light bulb):

    Measured the voltage drop across the different components and the amps in the circuit.
    From the data that I measured, I can found with the larger bulb, the amperage in the circuit has increased because there is less resistance.

    From the resistance and the watts that I calculated for the larger bulb compare to the smaller one, I found less resistance in the circuit will increase the currnet, and the bulb with more watts looks brighter than smaller one, because less resistance.